Quality assurance jobs (QA/QC)

QA QC jobs

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STAR's QA / QC jobs

Quality Assurance and Control jobs

Inspections are vital to ensure the continuity and safety of projects. For this reason, you can find a whole host of jobs in the field of quality assurance and quality control. Every day, hundreds of experienced and certified QA/QC specialists working for STAR inspect the premises and sites of market leaders in a variety of sectors.

In which sector would you like to work? Use the filters to choose the sector that suits you best, for example, by viewing all life sciences jobs or renewable energy jobs.

New quality assurance and control jobs are regularly added. Even if we don’t have the right QA jobs or quality control job for you right now, we would still like to hear from you. Send us your CV.

Quality control jobs and QA jobs

Market leaders in a variety of technical sectors are very enthusiastic about the services STAR provides. We are currently advising leading firms such as Shell, Worley, Tebodin, Gasunie and Bluewater with regard to project staffing. As a QA/QC officer, you will play an important role in monitoring quality and improving existing processes.

As we work with the some of the biggest companies in the world, we can always offer you the most challenging jobs available in the field of quality assurance. Would you like to work as a quality assurance officer or a quality control officer? Or are you further down your chosen career path and seeking a job as quality assurance manager?

We offer the following quality assurance and quality control jobs:

  • Quality assurance manager jobs
  • QA engineer jobs
  • QA / QC engineer jobs
  • Quality control officer
  • Quality assurance officer

What’s the difference between quality assurance and quality control?

Quality management involves two vital and interconnected disciplines: quality assurance and quality control. Quality assurance officers are responsible for managing and improving the process, while quality control officers assess product characteristics in order to monitor and/or optimise product quality. QA and QC jobs therefore focus on monitoring product and process quality.

Typical tasks performed by QA officers include:

  • Formulating and monitoring quality policy
  • Organising audits at the process and product level
  • Assessing and processing internal and external complaints
  • Analysis of product and process defects
  • Developing improvement projects
  • Formulating quality management reports

Whether you are a novice, an established professional or a highly experienced QA/QC specialist, STAR can help you take the next step in your career.